Hey there, and Welcome to my world of Krazy! If you are visiting to check out my art journal pages, please let me know you've been here. If you've stumbled upon me by accident, you are welcome anyway! And if you are here to read about the ups and downs of my Krazy life, feel free to comment as well, there is safety in numbers and it's nice to know I'm not alone!

Monday, 14 January 2013

New Year

Well, it's been awhile.  I took a self imposed hiatus over the holidays, which is typically a difficult time of year.  Littlest Krazy had surgery for tonsils and adnoids, and was home in total for a month, including the Christmas holidays. So finally, after bouts of stomach flu, Christmas kraziness, school strikes and recuperation, I have time to sit down and type.  Christmas this year was low-key and relaxed, it was lovely, and very little stress was incurred.   Next year we are hoping to have a no stuff/homemade Christmas, everyone is onboard but for littlest Krazy, we are still working on him though.  Just a quick post, as I get back into the swing of things. 
Stay Safe and Love Yourself