Hey there, and Welcome to my world of Krazy! If you are visiting to check out my art journal pages, please let me know you've been here. If you've stumbled upon me by accident, you are welcome anyway! And if you are here to read about the ups and downs of my Krazy life, feel free to comment as well, there is safety in numbers and it's nice to know I'm not alone!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Blooming True

Ah September, new beginnings.  Schools in, fall approaches, winter quickly following.  A dear friend clued me into Flora Bowley's boot camp lovingly referred to as Bloom True.  A month long journey of creative prompts to inspire and motivate.  Exactly what I need this month, as I prepare to resume teaching and creating art in my studio.  Something that falls by the wayside in the summer.
So jumping into to day two's prompt of Prepare your Space!

It is quickly becoming the Great Purge of September 2014.   Like the black plaque and the Great Chicago fire when Miss O'Reilly's cow kicked the lantern over, the Great Purge is a wickedly decimating force leaving chaos and terror in it's wake.  I know not if I will survive this prompt... only time will tell.

The Calm before the Storm -pre purge studio

Stay tuned!

Head Krazy

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you're coming along on the journey, all the best my dear, dear friend, looking forward to seeing the new space!


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