Hey there, and Welcome to my world of Krazy! If you are visiting to check out my art journal pages, please let me know you've been here. If you've stumbled upon me by accident, you are welcome anyway! And if you are here to read about the ups and downs of my Krazy life, feel free to comment as well, there is safety in numbers and it's nice to know I'm not alone!

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

How do you glue?

Mixed Media Collage

So I have this junk drawer of art.  It's where I put all my scraps and bits and bobs of stuff that I just KNOW I'll use, but somehow never do.... sound familiar?    Well, behold!  A page made from the Drawer of Detritus!   Why yes, that is indeed a shoelace there!  Left over foil from easter chocolate two years ago... yup, it's on there.  Tacky foam hearts.. check.  Odd scrap of fabric from halloween costume three years ago, yarn from an unknitted project... check and check.  Oh Glue it Tuesday... how I love you so! 

I'm also pleased to announce that my Random Art of Kindness project across Canada is coming along nicely.  Today I will be mailing out a personal card to the Yukon Territory.  My lovely sister-in-law has given me an address to send to a person she knows!  Many thanks! 

RAK #18 Yukon Bound

  • Yukon - DONE
  • Northwest Territories
  • Nunavut
  • British Columbia -DONE
  • Alberta - DONE
  • Saskatchewan
  • Manitoba
  • Ontario - DONE
  • Quebec
  • New Brunswick - DONE
  • Nova Scotia - DONE
  • PEI
  • Newfoundland

If you can help me with any of the other provinces or territories please let me know!  I would be very grateful. Until Next time!

Stay Safe and Love Yourself


  1. I'm with you...glue-it Tuesday helps me get rid if a little excess in the collage drawer (s) (it used to be one drawer, now it is a multitude)
    Great collage...and your Random Art project is really covering a lot of territory!

  2. It is so great to see what a box of leftover pieces of scrap can actually produce! on their own you are like What? but blended together you get art!! It's magical.

  3. Oh, I'm lovin' your flamingo! I came over from Aimee's place; had to see what Glue It Tuesday is all about.

    Your zentangle card looks great, by the way. What a nice surprise for someone to receive in the mail!


  4. I love your flamingo! Happy GIT!

  5. Love the energy in this page. Makes me smile.

  6. Hi There! Glue It is so liberating! I can create something just 'cause it looks good to me. This is nice because I tend to be a perfectionist if I spend too much time planning, etc. Enjoyed your piece shown above, it made me smile.

  7. Outstanding collage and I love the Zentangle card. I love the Zen feeling of doing Zentangle don't you?

  8. I know all about those junk drawers....! :)

  9. Excellent article. Very interesting to read. I really love to read such a nice article. Thanks! keep rocking. Kuzyk Law


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