Hey there, and Welcome to my world of Krazy! If you are visiting to check out my art journal pages, please let me know you've been here. If you've stumbled upon me by accident, you are welcome anyway! And if you are here to read about the ups and downs of my Krazy life, feel free to comment as well, there is safety in numbers and it's nice to know I'm not alone!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013


It's Glue It Tuesday again over at Artsyville.   Head on over and say hi to Aimee.  While you are there check out her bright and cheerful art.  My contribution to this weeks Glue it Tuesday, is the newest page in my art journal.  The quote "Joy is not in Things, It is in Us" is by Robert Wagner, which sums up my past weekend admirably.  Middle Krazy and I took a trip to my hometown to watch the Provincial Gymnastics Championships.  We brought along two good friends to share in our adventure.  It was also the first time in about 6 months I was able to see my parents, and family!  A joyous occasion to be sure.   I'm very close with my family, and although Skype is wonderful, I much prefer the tangible-ness of being able to hug and squeeze the loving daylights out of them until my heart is content!  I was also able to spread a little joy with some Random Art of Kindness.  The following were my offering to the world. 
RAK 7 Left at a Restaurant
RAK Left at a Comfort Inn Internet Station
RAK 9 Was Left at a Pay Phone at the Sport Complex
RAK 9 was left on a unsuspecting persons car parked next to mine. 

Leaving behind these little pieces of art feels so right to me.   It truly brings such joy to throw it out there to the universe and let come what may.  I do hope that people find them, and enjoy them, or maybe even pass them on again.   I would love to hear from you, and your stories!  Do you leave Random Art of Kindness?  Please tell me your story!
Until then, may you find joy where you least expect it!
Stay Safe and Love yourself,


  1. I LOVE the one on the car next to yours! I can't wait for someone to get in touch to tell you what they think :).

  2. beautiful painting and RAKs! love 'em!

  3. Love the art journal page aND very glad you got to see your family!

  4. I - too - spend the weekend in my hometown with my parents, who I had not seen in 4 months... so your mood/art piece today really speaks to me!! Happy Glue it Tuesday - on wednesday ;) and a hug from Holland

  5. RAKs are a wonderful idea. They will brighten up anybody's blah day! {:-Deb

  6. Love the journal page and quote - so very true!
    Such a wonderful idea to share your art and bring joy!

  7. You are such a sweetie pie. You had me at 'being able to hug and squeeze the daylights out of them'.

    Love your RAKs! And your Glueittuesday page!


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