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Tuesday, 16 April 2013

It's never too late!

Mixed Media Collage RAK

As always, linking up with Artsyville for Glue it Tuesday, and as an added bonus, I figured out the linky button too.  Huzzah!  As mentioned in my Sunday post, I've done a few Random Art of Kindness pieces on 5 by 7 canvas board.  This is the second of the three I have completed.  It's all set and ready to go, it just needs to be left somewhere.  I just love the quote on this one, "It's never too late to be what you might have been" by George Eliot.  The little picture in the bottom left corner comes from a card a young student of mine made for me, many, many years ago!  She and her brother printed 6 handmade cards, and even made the box they came in as a thank you.   She's older now, a young adult and I often wonder if she continued on with art.  The one thing I love about teaching young children is that they come into class with eyes wide open, and the possibilities of many futures lay stretched out before them.  As a teacher, I hope to be able to open just one of the many doors in their journey.  Teaching adults, is always a little more difficult.  As grown-ups we are more self-conscious and in many ways more insecure in our abilities after years of negative self-talk and doubt.  I never used to enjoy teaching adults for this very reason.  In my prejudice, I found adults to be narrow-minded, unenthusiastic, striving perfectionists... Hello Pot, this is Kettle!  Now, I find that the opportunity to teach adult classes presents a chance for growth and change.  A way to remind myself and others, that it's never too late to be, what we might have been. 
Until next time,

Stay Safe and Love Yourself,


  1. So glad you figured out the linky thing : ) great collage!

  2. Ah, one of my very favorite quotations! I love that you have found a way to incorporate your students' art into your own--how meaningful!

  3. I love it! And I love the thought and idea. It's sooo true, and I've been realizing this lately myself in different little ways; it really never is too late to do Or be what we want. :)

  4. I haven't visited your space for so long :s But I'm so glad I did today! I've missed LIT, but it looks as though GIT is being enjoyed, too. This is one of my favorite quotes, as well; I have it on my e-reader cover. Hope all is well :)

    1. So Glad you popped in and said hi T! Hope you are doing well and taking each day one at a time. Hugs!

  5. Love the quote and am charmed by your art!

  6. Lovely quote and connect very much with your sentiments, I too work with children, and love the way they throw themselves into learning new things, yet as an adult that fearless quality often lessens.....thanks for a bit of deep thought to start my wednesday morning :)

  7. Really enjoyed seeing your work. I keep meaning to abandon art somewhere myself.
    Happy Glue It Tuesday!

  8. I like the thought of leaving art for others to find. I so love your colourful and thoughtful art.

  9. yes, it's a great quote! I know many teachers of high school kids, and they enjoy so much seeing their youngsters grow in their year(s) of instruction. {:-Deb

  10. Hi There! Love your quote about "never too late." I let my inner artist out last summer and I've never been happier!


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