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Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Raven

ATC Card -Various media, water colour, ink, colour pencil

I have a dear friend MC.  MC is a free-spirited, eccentric, beautiful man.  He grew up in the flower power 60's.  Enough said.   Each year MC spends time out in California near Big Sur at a place called Esalan.  He's gone every year that I've known him, and many more beyond that.  It's a holistic retreat of sorts, a gathering place of artists, dancers, poets, writers, free-spirits, and kindred souls.  It is the perfect place for MC.  There he dances and sweats to his content in a frenzy of gestaltian therapy.   I'm oversimplifing as I am sure there is more to the experience than what I have written.   These cards, serendipitously enough, are a tribute to Gabrielle Roth, one of MC's many teachers who passed away on October 22nd.  Ms. Roth was a dancer, shaman, and founder of the 5rhythms dance, a way of dancing as meditation.  Again, over simplifing, but please, do follow the links to learn more about this woman.  She's fascinating.  When I came across and ATC swap in honour of Ms. Roth, it spoke to me and of my friendship with MC.  For that is how I know Gabrielle, through the stories and anecdotes told to me by MC.  I though, what a better way to celebrate my friendship with this amazing human being than creating art as a tribute to one his mentors.  Each card is based on a rhythm, flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness.  The order in which the 5rhythms is danced.  Four are being swapped, and the fifth, Stillness, has been gifted to MC.  The aprespo-ness (is that even a word) of MC being given stillness, is comical, as MC is NEVER still, and he confided it was the rhythm he has the most trouble with.  As I write this, MC is preparing for a journey south to Esalen again.  I wish him safe journey.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

A lovely Irish Blessing, I leave to MC and all of you out there. 

Stay Safe, and Love Yourself

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