Hey there, and Welcome to my world of Krazy! If you are visiting to check out my art journal pages, please let me know you've been here. If you've stumbled upon me by accident, you are welcome anyway! And if you are here to read about the ups and downs of my Krazy life, feel free to comment as well, there is safety in numbers and it's nice to know I'm not alone!

Sunday, 16 December 2012


Mixed Media Collage

This weeks List it Tuesday theme was "What's in your junk drawer?" Oh the list is infinite... I have numerous junk drawers in my house, each like Mary Poppin's bag... Seemingly endless. I have a confession to make, or rather a truth to state! Mr. Krazy and I are not a tidy pair. Household chores often get set aside for more important tasks, such as drawing, journaling, wood turning, or spending time with the kids. Although, a majority of household tasks fall upon me, I've long since given up trying to maintain a spotless house. Daunting when your mother is a manic housekeeper a la June Cleaver. (In fairness, my dad does most if not all cooking). I refuse to Iron, and dust... Please.... I have to check my Facebook page! Every so often I get hell bent on trying to change the tide, instituting everything from 15 minute family tidy time, to a mom picked it up box, now you've lost it do a chore.... Blah blah blah.. I once left a piece of paper on the floor to see if anyone else would pick it up.... Two months later, I sighed and threw it in the garbage. That's not to say my kids don't have responsibilities and chores, because they do, I just don't nag about it. However, if they wants friends over, their room needs to be livable before and after the visit. I guess that's what our house is... Livable... Lived in, comfortable.... I wouldn't have it any other way... But I wouldn't say no to a maid service either!

I spy with my little eye ....
Glue gun,
Yoyo parts
Flash cards
Hand sanitizer
Phillips and Robertson screw driver
Box cutters
Take out menus
Twisty straw
Paper clips
Sun catcher
Phone cord
Lens cloth
Phone charger

Etc etc!

Stay safe, and Love yourself,


The JUNK drawer!

And here we have some ATC Art from the past week, all cards are marker, colour pencil and ink.

Mad Catter



"Harold couldn't understand why the locals didn't swim in the Loch"

"Stanley realized, perhaps a moment too late, that throwing a snowball at a yeti is NOT a good idea!"
"Sadly, Marvin did NOT have eyes in the back of his head"

Friday, 7 December 2012

Small Comfort....

Last weeks List Been there Done that!

*** Warning*** This is not a light happy post.

I've been away from my blog for a couple of weeks now.  Not that it impacts anyone greatly, but I have missed it.   As some might know, I started this blog as a form of self therapy, a way to get me through the long winter days when depression often creeps up on me. The past two weeks have been, in a word difficult.  This past weekend, saw my son and I in two, yes TWO, car accidents.  We are both okay, no injuries, and the accidents were not severe.  Well, my car is off to the junk yard, as it's too costly to fix and its' over 10 years old, and my husbands car has superficial body damage, but driveable.  Neither accidents were my fault, but I felt as though the universe was trying to send me a message.  I could only laugh after the second accident.  The gentleman who hit me must have thought I was Krazy.  (If only he knew!)   Still the finacial burden of having to replace a car at the holiday season is stressful.  I am very grateful to be okay, to be alive, and unscathed, so that's a small comfort.  However, if you have read my previous blog post, you are aware that my friend Ryan was murdered over a custody disagreement.  As the case goes to trial, I'm constantly thinking of Ryan, his family and what his final hours must have been like.   I've been questioning humanity, and wondering the age old question of why?  What makes a human being capable of taking the life of another human being.  What right is given to any individual to play judge, jury and executioner.  Why my friend, my funny, sweet, caring friend?  Just why?  So when  I think of this weeks list of small comforts over at Artsyville, I cannot help but think bitterly that sometimes small comforts are not enough.  It's a small comfort that Ryan was found and can now be put to rest, it's a small comfort that the police have arrested his murderers and have them in custody, it's a small comfort knowing that a trust fund is in place for his daughter, it's a small comfort that some questions will now be answered.  But at what price?  All the comfort in the world cannot bring Ryan back, cannot give a family back their son, brother, father.  Comfort will not lessen the pain of knowing that three cruel individuals lured, kidnapped and killed a man because he wanted to be a part of his daughters life.  Sometimes life just plain old sucks.  

Anyway, I didn't do a list this week, but last weeks list is above.   I hope to be back on track next week.  Until then, here is some of my most recent art and atc's.

Stay Safe, and Love Yourself,

Tim Burton ATC's for swap

Cast drawing for drawing club assignment.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

In Memory of Ryan... gone too soon, but never forgotten.

Ryan's Page December 17, 1987- November 22, 2012 Mixed Media Collage.

This entry is dedicated to my friend Ryan.   Ryan and I have never met, yet I consider him to be a friend.  In a world that has become smaller thanks to technology and the Internet,  I have several cyberfriends from around the world.  Friends who I have never physically touched or hugged, but that does not make their importance in my life any less.  I have laughed with these friends, cried with these friends, listened to music with these friends and on occasion been drunk with these friends.  All thanks to the wonders of video phone, I have been connected to people who I might have never have met otherwise.  Ryan was one of those people.  In fact Ryan was the first person to walk me through the Tiny Chat process, our interaction brief that time, as I watched him game, and he laughed at my lack of tech savvy.  Over time I began to know Ryan better, we played the same game, sometimes on the same side, sometimes not.  He was funny, caring and would do anything for a smile.  Our group video conferences were always chaotic, but Ryan always took the time to say hi and welcome me.  Ryan was a glass is half full kinda guy.  Those who knew him would speak of his humour, his kindness, and his warmth. 
Ryan went missing last year on February 13. I last spoke with him on the 12th, in which he excitedly told me about his day with his daughter.  His first in a VERY long time.  It was the last time I spoke to him, but he was full of smiles and promise.  Life was looking up.  On this past Thursday, November 22nd, Police Services announced that the remains of my friend had been found, and 1st degree premeditated murder charges are pending for three suspects.  My heart hurts for my friend, his family, and his daughter.  That three people felt they needed to play god in the life of a human being is reprehensible.  Ryan was only 24, a life full ahead of him.  He will never, ever live his life as he imagined, to the fullest.  That he will never again smile, laugh, cry, dream, know his daughter or love, is unimaginable as I try to make sense of his death.  And there is no making sense of it, ever.   So I honour Ryan today, and will continue to remember and honour him always by living my life to the fullest, in a glass is half full kinda way.  <3 Balls to you Ryan!  You had it in spades.  You were a brief presence in my life, but your light shone brightly, and will continue to shine in my heart for the rest of my days.  Be at peace Eli.
Be Safe, Love Yourself, and Be Good to each other....

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Painting of mermaid on rock in front of large moon.
Little Mermaid - Mixed media, marker, acrylic
So this weeks list it Tuesday... yes I know it's Wednesday... is a wish list.   My mother and I use to play a game with the Consumer's Catalogue (anyone remember Consumer's?)  and the Sears Wish Book.  I believe she played it with her mother as well.  It was called "If I had a million."  We would sit together on the couch, catalogue between us, and for each page, we could only pick out one item we would want if we had all the money in the world.   As a child it was great fun with mom, looking back as an adult,  I see now how poignant that game was.  I wanted for nothing as a child.  As the only child and only grandchild, I was indulged and spoilt and loved.  My mother gave me the childhood she always wanted.  My mom's mom died when she was young, and my mom grew up the middle of three girls with a single alcoholic father.  Her's was not a very happy childhood and I often wonder if she played that game as a little girl desperately wishing for her wishes to come true and how disappointed she must have been when more often than not, they didn't.  She is my wish come true, she is everything I could want in a mother, a role model, a friend, a caregiver.    Now that mom is older, she is learning to make her own wishes come true.  She is a true inspiration.   In the past few years, she has a swam with dolphins, zip lined, para glided, and most recently returned from a two week trip to Ghana helping to build a school for the children (something she has been wanting to do her whole life).  The emotion as she spoke of her time there was powerful, as she said to me, "When you think you have it bad, when you think you have nothing, you must remember that there are people that have literally nothing, we (as first world nation) know nothing about what true poverty is".  I look forward to hearing more about her time in Ghana after she has time to reflect on and process her experience. 
Wow.. that was pretty heavy for the beginning of a usually light hearted list it Tuesday!  I guess I just wanted to ponder on my wish list, and even though it's for fun, and some of my list seems frivolous and excessive, I am truly grateful and blessed for the people in my life, the roof over my head, and the food in my belly.  So without further ado, I present to you my list.
1.  Full line of copics.... I laughed at how many people had this on their list.  But seriously, have you used a copic?  Drools....
2. Full line of CW stencils... because Crafters Workshop stencils are awesome!
3. Ah Hell let's go for broke, a magic art supply cupboard that stocks whatever I need whenever I need it.
4. While we are on magic, how about a magic fridge that has meals already prepped and ready when I open it's magical door.
5. While on the topic of food, I'd really like chocolate and ice cream to be nutritious and fat/calorie free.
6. A maid service... I would love a maid service, more time to create less time doing laundry.
7. Speaking of Laundry, how about a dryer that doesn't eat socks and folds the clothes for you.
8. While on the subject of domestic bliss I wish for my husband to learn to put the dishes in the dishwasher.. seriously, how hard can it be?
9.  My kids to grow up happy, and health, and appreciative
10. To spend a year with my family and travel the world. 
And for you and everyone in the world, I wish for peace, happiness and good health.
Stay safe and Love Yourself

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

The List of Lists

How many lists would a list maker make if a list maker could make lists... Here is my List of Lists.. broken up into Light and Dark.  Let's face it, life isn't all squirts and giggles, there is both moments of beautiful scintillating light, and moments of deep despairing dark.  I believe that the darkness should be embraced just as fully as the light.  Why hide from it?  It's all about balance.  So, here's a list of things I think are worth being listed. 
Childhood memories
10 things (or a hundred things) that you love about yourself.
Favourite childhood toys
10 people you wish you could meet
Things you swore you would never say to your kids before you had kids
Your bucket List
the soundtrack to one day in your life
words you love the sound of
Now welcome to the darkside... Mwahahaha!
Things that scare you
Scars and all their stories
things you wish you knew or could tell your sixteen year old self
things that drive you crazy
things you despise.
Hope these suggestions inspire you! 
Stay safe and Love yourself.

Friday, 9 November 2012

Annette's tits are great, and other truths....

Painting of Popcorn with movie quotes and chocolate bar wrappers
Mixed media, acrylic  and marker

"I was 12 going on 13 the first time I saw a dead human being.  It happened in the summer of 1959 - a long time ago, but only if you measure in terms of years."   Well not really.. it happened in the summer of 1986, and I was 10 years old, and it wasn't a dead body... Mr. Krazy often teases me whenever I recount my childhood, because more often than not the tale starts as such "When I was ten years old...."  Now he preempts my story telling with "Let me guess, you were ten".  But seriously, do any of you have a year in your life that is full with memories of sunny days, the scent of summer, and the innocence of youth?  When you owned the world, and the only tragedy was when the street lights turned on?  Yeah... that year... happened when I was ten, and sooo many of those memories involve movies and my best friend D.   D. and I that summer watched Stand by Me every single day... EVERY SINGLE DAY, sometimes more than once.  We would have sleep overs with Gordie, Chris, Teddy and Vern, eating popcorn and cheese balls, and long after the lights were out, we would lay in my water bed reciting the movie, verbatim.  Our walls were covered in River Phoenix, and Wil Wheaton... we listened to tunes from the fifties, read Steven King's "The Body" and  we wrote stories about what happened after the movie ended.  It was our thing.  That movie... is the epitome of my childhood.  "I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Jesus, does anyone?"  So, So, so very true!

Some other quotes from Stand By Me-

"Annette's Tit's are great!"
"Train Dodge.  Dig it!"
"Give me some skin"
"Suck my fat one you cheap dime store hood"
"Chopper Sick Balls!"

I could go on, but lets leave some love to some of my other childhood favourites"

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

"Strange things are afoot at the circle K"
"Party on Dudes"
"Excellent!  Bogus!"
"It's your MOM dude!"


"Fiffy dolla bill fiffy dolla bill"
"Sloth love Chuck"

Lost Boys -

"The one thing about Santa Carla I never could stomach... All the DAMN vampires!"
"Maggot's Micheal!  You're eating maggots!  How do they taste?"
"Death by Stereo"

Until next time!  Stay safe and love yourself!

Monday, 5 November 2012

Slowing Down

Tea-Stained Art Journal Page Prompt Take it Easy
Mixed media, Distress Ink, tea, and Pen


November's prompt over at A Year in the Life of a Journal is RELAX.  Visually, I am not happy with this page, it's kinda blah.. kinda like the month of November.  The upside is that my journal now smells like chai tea, an aroma that wafts over me whenever I open a page to create.  It's strangely comforting.  RELAX is an interesting concept this time of year, especially for me, as the holiday season is beginning to ramp up.  The holidays are a somewhat stressful time, as I try to make it memorable and meaningful for the kids.    As an adult my mind tries to stretch what little money there is to make thinks magical.  Don't get me wrong, it's not about the giving or the gifting, and we put very little emphasis on the material here at chez Krazy, but I want my kids to have the magic and warmth that I fondly remember as a child.  They are only so young for such a short time, but memories made, those will last a life time.  Unfortunately, November is the time of year I typically start to enter hibernation mode.  I start to shut down physically and emotionally, some days it's a challenge to get out of bed.  I usually perk up a bit around Christmas only to crash and burn in the aftermath of the holidays.    It is something I desperately want to try to avoid this year.  It starts here, with this blog, my art journaling, and my creative head space.  I'm hoping that these things will be my life line, my reminder that although the days are dark and grey, my home, my heart, my creativity is a place of light.   With this page I remind myself to TAKE IT EASY.  Read books, take bubble baths, star gaze, make art, drink tea, be still, daydream, listen, feel.  Take Time, Make Time, Wander with Wonder, just BE...    Until next time. 

Stay safe and Love Yourself,

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Quick Fixes say wha???

Water Coloured Sugar Skull girls
ATC Sugar Skull Girls-Water Colour and Ink

Well, it's Tuesday again, and that means its time for List it Tuesday over at Artsyville.  This week's theme is quick fixes.  Bahaahahaha!   Quick Fixes... giggle snort.  I'm going to share with you, for your viewing pleasure, my "quick" fix.  Which isn't actually quick at all, nor is it fixed.  It all started a short while ago... four years to be exact.  Mr. Krazy and I decided to finish the pit of despair, known as our basement.  It was going to be grand, lovely, a wonderful hangout, a bedroom for our soon to be teenager, and even, yes EVEN a Studio for me!  <le gasp!>  After all, Mr. Krazy has his rather large, (as in take up my backyard, and ruin my flower beds) mancave/woodworking shop, don't I too deserve a place, a sanctuary if you will, to call my own.  I had one, ONE stipulation people!  That my room be finished first, so that it not be neglected.. and here we are... four years later.... I present to you....

My Sanctuary
My haven of respite.... please note sarcasm!
Isn't it beautiful! Unfinished dry wall, sub-flooring, storage of crap.... It has soooo much potential!   It will get there... eventually... 
Until then, I will remember be thankful that I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and people who love me.  Keeping things in perspective. 
Be Safe and Love Yourself...  Especially all of you on the East Coast!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Raven

ATC Card -Various media, water colour, ink, colour pencil

I have a dear friend MC.  MC is a free-spirited, eccentric, beautiful man.  He grew up in the flower power 60's.  Enough said.   Each year MC spends time out in California near Big Sur at a place called Esalan.  He's gone every year that I've known him, and many more beyond that.  It's a holistic retreat of sorts, a gathering place of artists, dancers, poets, writers, free-spirits, and kindred souls.  It is the perfect place for MC.  There he dances and sweats to his content in a frenzy of gestaltian therapy.   I'm oversimplifing as I am sure there is more to the experience than what I have written.   These cards, serendipitously enough, are a tribute to Gabrielle Roth, one of MC's many teachers who passed away on October 22nd.  Ms. Roth was a dancer, shaman, and founder of the 5rhythms dance, a way of dancing as meditation.  Again, over simplifing, but please, do follow the links to learn more about this woman.  She's fascinating.  When I came across and ATC swap in honour of Ms. Roth, it spoke to me and of my friendship with MC.  For that is how I know Gabrielle, through the stories and anecdotes told to me by MC.  I though, what a better way to celebrate my friendship with this amazing human being than creating art as a tribute to one his mentors.  Each card is based on a rhythm, flowing, staccato, chaos, lyrical and stillness.  The order in which the 5rhythms is danced.  Four are being swapped, and the fifth, Stillness, has been gifted to MC.  The aprespo-ness (is that even a word) of MC being given stillness, is comical, as MC is NEVER still, and he confided it was the rhythm he has the most trouble with.  As I write this, MC is preparing for a journey south to Esalen again.  I wish him safe journey.

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

A lovely Irish Blessing, I leave to MC and all of you out there. 

Stay Safe, and Love Yourself

Tuesday, 23 October 2012


Betty Boop swap cards, Acrylic ink and Pen

It's List It Tuesday again over at Artsyville!  Oh, how I love Tuesdays.. they are almost better than Friday's now.. infact I wish everyday could be a Tuesday such is my glee at having a reason to create lists!!!  This weeks theme was Overheard.   Well, let me tell you, overhearing has gotten me into trouble over the years, but rather than list all my sordid transgressions, I though I would tell you some of the comments I overheard today.  Let's see if you can guess where I heard these comments... hmmm.  Without further ado.

  • No, you don't have to pull your pants down here.
  • It won't come out of my chest!
  • It could be hormonal, then again it could be a mood disorder.
  • Oh my, what happened to your face??
  • Look at the witches house!
  • So not only that, you're a liar too.
  • I've been hacking up green stuff for three weeks.
  • Do you take debit?
  • Are you going to poke yourself in the eye again?
Yes, this was all overheard at one place!  Too funny.  So, lovely kindred souls, where was I?

Stay safe and Love Yourself,

Saturday, 20 October 2012

ATC Addiction

Water Colour and Ink

Water Colour and Ink

Oh heaven help me, as if Art Journaling isn't addictive enough, I have discovered the joys of Artist Trading Cards!  What is an Artist Trading Card??  Think baseball cards, like the one's you would collect as a kid, with the gum inside.  Except no gum, well if you wanted to you could send gum, could get messy.  Just saying... They are 2.5" by 3.5" miniature pieces of art that artist from all over the world trade.  It's AMAZING. 
So there is a site, it's like mecca for traders it's called ATC's for All.  Go there, check it out, don't blame me for the addiction, I've got my own problems.    I feel like I've had an artistic epiphany.  Over the last few months, I've found my courage to make, and share my makings... publicly and dang it all, I'm on a roll.  It feels good, really GOOD, to create and explore.  I feel energized, and focused. (Or at least focused on my art :) )
 The above cards are for an ATC swap, the theme was Tim Burton style fairytale characters.  Well, anyone who knows me, and knows me well, knows that I am a Winnie the Pooh fanatic.  He's permanently etched on my body, such is the love I have for the bear.  So, I decided to Burton-ify them.    Eeyore, was a sketch in my sketchbook because heck if I knew if it was even possible that the Bear could be Burtonized.   However, I'm pretty dang happy with them!  I almost don't want to give them away, so I'm glad I at least have Eeyore! 
Stay Safe, and Love Yourself,

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Breaking up is hard to do...

Sakura and Pitt Pens with Holtz distress ink.

Wow, everyone out in blogland seems to all about the fall!  Can't say I blame them, it's a truly beautiful time of year, but I'm kinda ready to move on, you know?  It's not you Autumn, it's me.  No... please, don't cry.  We can still be friends, and maybe in a year from now, when we've both experienced more, we can try again... don't worry I'm not leaving your for Winter.  She's nasty and ice cold.  Till we meet again, dear Autumn.
The above page is my response for Octobers Art Challenge over at Art Journaling, It's All Good.  It's a wonderful place for art journalers.  I encourage you to check it out.  They have tutorials, challenges, forums.  So much fun.   Go, Go there Now.
Stay Safe and Love Yourself

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Oh Canada

Collage, Acrylic and Pen

The compulsive voice inside my head loves List-it Tuesdays over at Artsyville .  Today's list is "What I Love about Where I Live".   I am proudly Canadian eh!  I live all the Canadian stereotypes.  Sorry if this offends you, but I'm unfailingly polite.  I would gladly invite you into my igloo (the door is never locked and always open) to pet my sled dog, and chinwag the benefits of being Canadian over a tall pint of Canadian Lager.  I would dress up all formal in my flannel and my toque, and serve you Peameal Bacon and poutine for dinner.  The play list would consist of Jane Arden, Tragically Hip, Alanis Morrissette, Shania Twain and the Rankins.. (Celine Dion is not Canadian, I'm pretty sure she's not even human, neither is Beiber... I digress).  It would be a golly gosh darn good evening of wholesome fun.   In no particular order
  •  Health Care
  • Freedom
  • The Great Lakes
  • Eh!?
  • Tim Hortons
  • Toronto
  • Niagara Falls - One of the seven natural wonders of the world in my backyard.
  • Cross-Border Shopping - Love tax free Pennsylvania!
  • Sound of Music Festival - Free musical awesomeness!
  • Peace
  • Monarch Butterflies. Once a year I stroll down the streets with thousands of monarchs by my side.  It's pretty magical.
  • Colourful Money
  • Laurentian Mountains
  • Tragically Hip
  • Mounties
  • Maple Anything (Bacon, Syrup, Doughnuts, Trees, just not the Leafs :0)
  • Hockey
  • Democracy
  • Canada's Wonderland - who doesn't love a stomach dropping pulse pounding roller coaster?
  • Same Sex Marriages - Love who you want, it's a free world.
  • Breastfeeding Rights (Any time, Any Where)
I have to admit, I love where I live, there truly is No Place Like Home..
Off to See the Wizard,

Fall is in the Air Prompt

Distressed ink, pounded leaves, fallen leaves, Pitt Pen, Stamps

Water Colour, Sakura Black Pen

It's Prompt time again over at A Year in the Life of an Art Journal!  This weeks prompt, Fall is in the Air.  Now, I like fall, truly I do, as the three journal pages I have regarding fall can attest to.  Two of which were done weeks before the prompt was posted.  To see my first post regarding fall click here: Falling into the Bucket.  Fall, however much I like it though, is also the gateway to the hell that is winter for me.   In winter, days are forever long, the sun is weaker, it's oh so cold, and depression has a tendency to rear it's ugly head more fiercely than in the summer months.  This prompt was great reminder that although winter is just around the corner, there are so many reasons to enjoy the moment that is granted to me today.. 
  • Tumultuous Winds
  • blazing leaves
  • crisp blue skies
  • the smell of decaying leaves
  • grey cozy days
  • feather down quilts
  • warm fuzzy sweaters
  • hot apple cider
  • pumpkin pie
  • ghostly hauntings
  • brisk autumn days
  • crackling wood fires
  • crunchy fresh apples
Do we share any common likes in fall?  Don't be shy, let me know.  It's a big world out there, and it's nice to know we are not alone.

Stay safe and Love Yourself,

Epitome of Autumn in my Backyard

Sunday, 14 October 2012


Sharpie Ghost writing under gesso, acrylic with Stencil and collage.
Today was an absolute craptastic day.  It was a day of yelling, a day of crying, a day of awkward silences.  It was the kind of day that nothing goes right and no matter how hard you try to turn it around, it's destined for failure.  Today, I was a horrible mother, I lost control, had a melt down, and scared my kids.  Yes it was a spectacular fail.  The atmosphere has been weird all weekend.  Little Krazy and Mr. Krazy have been butting heads constantly in a continuous power struggle.  I feel for Little Krazy, to feel powerless, to have someone assert themselves into your space when you just want to be left alone.   So much frustration and anger, and the only way to release it is in yells and tears.  To be told to stop it, or be quiet already.  How the mood of one person can affect so many.  I feel for Mr. Krazy, to constantly be told by your son to go away, I don't like you, I don't wanna hear you, you're stinky.  I feel for my middle Krazy, trying so hard to play the peace keeper, to stay out of the way, to be heard, to be happy.  I feel so deeply the pain that this family is in.  The unfairness of our emotional upheaval, and seemingly ineffectual ways of dealing with our problems.  I wonder if we will improve, if therapy will be our life preserver or if we will merely pull each other under.  Today was a bad day.  I'm gonna leave it here, where it will become the past.  I hope that tomorrow dawns brighter. 

Stay Safe, and Love Yourself,

Saturday, 13 October 2012

There is a sucker born...

Acrylic and Permapaque

So I discovered a new lovely blog Artsyville.  It's a beautiful place over there and I encourage you to check it out.  The above journal page was in response to Artsyville's List it Tuesday.  Oh who doesn't love a good list?!!   It was really hard to narrow it all down, but here it is, my list of thinks I go Kookoo for!

1. IQ Tests...
2. Cats
3. Gingers (both the people and the root)
4. Accents.. Gah!
5. Red Velvet Cake...yummy!
6. Giraffes... Hello Melman!
7. Cake Vodka
8. Halloween
9. Sales - esp. art supply sales
10. Sea Glass
11. Back Scratches.  (if I was a bazillionare like Bill Gates, I would hire someone just to scratch my back... it would be a hedonistic indulgance)
12.  Foot massages (see above)
13.  Flirty old men.
14. My kids
15. Cotton Candy
16. Cheese
17. Twilight FanFic... oh gawd, I can't believe I'm publicly admitting it... don't judge!
18. Paper... any and all
19. Pumpkin Pie
20. Chocolate
21. Gerber Daisies
22. Stone Farm houses
23. Pop up books
24. A good cry
25. Cottages
26. Christmas
27. Cheesecake
28.  Bubble Baths
29. Baby Kisses

So if you are joining me here, tell me what are somethings that you are a sucker for?  Do we share any likenesses?  Don't be shy.  Say hello!  It's a big world out there!  Waves at Val, and Mary!  Please, do check out Artsyville! It's awesome.

Stay Safe and Love Yourself

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Everyday's a Good Day when You Paint

One of my most vivid childhood memories is of rushing home on my lunch hour to watch Bob Ross and his magical paintbrush on PBS television.  I would sit down with my bowl of Chef Boyardee and be riveted to the TV as Bob danced his paintbrush across the canvas creating effortless landscapes of far off places.  Even the bleakest sick day was made better by Bob's soothing voice as I lay on the couch in feverish stupor.   The hypnotic cadence of his voice, his gentle wisdom and encouragement have stuck with me over the years.  Even now I say to my students "There are no mistakes in art, only happy accidents."  Ah, Bob, words to live by to be sure.  I stumbled across this remix video of Bob on youtube.   It was an instant transport back to when days were longer, brighter, and carefree.  I love this video hard, it makes me smile, it inspires the inner child in me to believe, to believe, to believe anythings possible and I can do it.   I say the world needs a little more Bob Ross, it would be a kinder gentler place.... I believe.
Stay Safe, and Believe in yourself,

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Monster from the Blue Lagoon

Original Page
Altered page: Collage, Acrylic, pen, and feathers
Well, here is my first page in the altered pop up book. It's still a work in progress, but I think I've decided in the direction I want to take it. There are five pages in total, each page will be a different colour study and a different representation of my inner self, my demons, my less than desirable parts. I figure Halloween is coming, this should scare the shtuffing out of me... Spoooky!!

Be safe and love yourself!

Tuesday, 9 October 2012


Trading Cards by Elvina
Last week I received some lovely ATC's or Artist Trading Cards from a lovely woman in the United Kingdom by the name of Elvina.  She and I formed a kinship over our love of Alice in Wonderland!  She was my first set of cards that I received and I'm so glad I decided to give it a go.  ATC's are typically 2.5" by 3", and are small examples of art that represent the makers style.  Typically they are traded in person, but can be traded in the mail!  What I love most about ATC's is that I feel that with each card I send to someone, a little piece of my soul goes and resides with it in another part of the world.  Kind of like a horcrux, only less evil, and exponentially more charming.  I like the idea that even if I've never been to England or elsewhere, my art, which by extension is a part of me, has traveled an adventerous journey to places far away.  I know I have like no huge following, in fact I have one follower (waves to Val), but if anyone stumbles upon this and would like to trade ATC's drop me a line!  My soul would love to come live with you... Lol.
Be safe and LOVE yourself,